| Awful nightmares Everyone has nightmares and it is not usually a supernatural phenomenon. However, there is a certain kind of nightmare that is externally influenced. It can be very difficult to distinguish
from the two, but there are definite differences. Often when these nightmares occur, there is a side effect of not being able to wake up from it or even move your body. It is as if you are being forced to endure the nightmare. Being paralyzed in bed is covered next. For now we'll only concentrate on the dream aspect.In these dreams (which you will very often remember in detail), you will often be physically attacked or assaulted by what appears to be a person (or many persons). It could be
a person you know or a complete stranger. There will always be something a little "off" about this person however. If it is someone you know, they will look a little "strange". Not quite right. You will notice it right away. And they will almost never
speak. If they do speak, it will come out as gibberish. This is because most of these creatures of darkness have no grasp of our language. It is during the attack that your body will try to wake up. After having awoken you will often feel as if there is a force "inside" you. Perhaps a heaviness in your chest or a feeling of deep dread. Yell at it to leave you and it most likely will. What to do: Please visit the dream fighting page for a solution to this problem.How to avoid it: These creatures of darkness enter your mind at the moment you pass between being awake and falling into sleep. It is at this moment that you are most vulnerable to an attack. You must be aware of this and attempt to keep your spiritual guard up as long as possible during this transition. Also,
praying before going to sleep will help immensely. For more on how to pray to defend against darkness, click here.Putting up a spiritual guard: Putting up a spiritual guard is a skill that everyone has already developed. You do it when you are dealing with a person you don't trust. You do
it when you walk down a dark and dangerous street. It is the internal tensing of your spirit (for lack of a better word). Just like you tense up your muscles when you are anticipating pain (like a punch or a needle), you can tense your spirit. Putting up a spiritual guard will help block out unwanted forces. If you have the slightest inkling that something is hanging around you, put up your spiritual guard. Do it often enough and something strange happens - A part of you will actually wake
you up before an attack can take hold. You may actually develop a defense mechanism that protects you and works independently of your conscious mind (I did). The problem is that these things of darkness are persistent and you'll most likely be fighting it off for most of the night, if not all night. The upside is that if you successfully defend yourself against it for a night, it will not likely return for a rematch. Fighting inside the dream: You may not always be able to block
these things from entering your mind, but that doesn't mean the fight is over. For more on this, go to the Dream Fighting page.Back to topParalyzed in bed trying to wake up This is a very common and terrifying experience. You'll be on the verge of falling asleep and all of the sudden feel a terrible presence right above your body, sometimes pressing down on your chest. You'll be conscious, but will have no control of your body. You can't move, you can't scream. You are being held down. Sometimes this experience is accompanied by other sensory assaults like hearing things or seeing things.
What to do: What is happening is you are being held down against your will. You must summon every ounce of strength and willpower you have to try to break free and move. Act as though you are being held down by a physical person and are struggling to break loose. The longer you are held down, the harder it will be to break free. As soon as you sense that it is happening, try to break free with all your might right away. As soon as you break loose, the thing will most likely go
away. But it may return. How to avoid it: The best way to avoid these attacks is to pray before going to sleep and develop your spiritual guard.Back to topSeeing moving shadows and strange creatures If you are seeing moving shadows, you've got something serious. You're also sensitive enough to see things from the other side. Moving shadows are never anything pleasant. Chances are you will only see them out of the corners of your eyes (it is rare to see these
things by looking directly at them). They will often be smaller in stature (like the shadow of a small child) and will move quite fast around the perimeter of the room. Since these things are often not of human origin, the shadows might take any form. Some shadows are tiny and can easily be mistaken for insects. Eventually, you might get a good look at it (directly) and see that it is not an insect. Some people actually see the creatures themselves as opposed to simply seeing shadows (which
is more common). You will also usually see them when you are alone. Do not be surprised if no one else sees them. What to do: The shadows themselves are harmless and are only meant to frighten you. This fear will be used for further attacks on you later (most likely when you go to sleep). Instead of being afraid, use that knowledge to prepare your defenses. Pray and put up your spiritual guard in anticipation of an attack. Being on the defensive makes you a harder target. By showing themselves, they are giving themselves away. Use that to your advantage.How to avoid it: Unfortunately, if you can see these things, that is an ability you
cannot avoid. Ignoring what you see or rationalizing it even though you are sure of what you saw will do more harm than good. Acting like it is not there will not make it go away. You have to banish these things with prayer and spiritual strength so that there will be nothing to see.Back to topHearing loud sounds or voices Hearing loud sounds or voices is common among sensitive people. This is usually an attempt from the other side to make contact. If you hear voices they will usually be whispers. In more severe cases, screaming and yelling may be heard in empty rooms. The same is true with sounds. You may hear a loud crash in an
adjacent room when in fact nothing has fallen over. What to do: This phenomena is usually the result of a mischievous spirit trying to get your attention for kicks. Simply ignore it and pray
that the entity be removed from your presence. If the voices or sounds are very loud, do the same. It is only trying to scare you.How to avoid it: There isn't much you can do to avoid this phenomena. Your best bet is to deal with it courageously if you ever come across it. Most cases are harmless and pass within a few days. Back to topAwful heavy feeling on your shoulders or in your chest An unpleasant feeling of weight on your shoulders or in your chest is indication that a being of darkness has attached itself to you or is following you around. It is almost as if you are carrying a spiritual weight stacked on top of your own spirit. It will feel as though something is literally following you around. You will feel its presence. It can also feel as
though the weight is so much that it is difficult to breathe. Pain in your chest is not uncommon. Be careful not to mistake this phenomenon with heartburn or vice-versa as the physical symptoms can be very similar. What to do: If you only have these feelings every once in awhile, it may be that you are simply coming close to an entity in your daily life, but that it has no intentions with you. On the other hand, if you often feel it, or in the rare case where you feel it all of
the time no matter where you go, you have something that has attached itself to you. If this is the case, pray
often and out loud if possible. Use your strength of will to keep your mind uncluttered by your fear. Try to keep a calm composure at all times no matter how bad the feeling gets. Some of these creatures are here to make men/women lose their minds (once the mind is weakened, the spirit/soul is an easy target). These things can take weeks or months to defeat in very bad cases or if your spirit is weak and inexperienced in spiritual warfare. Just stick it out and never
lose faith in God. As soon as you lose your faith, everything else will soon follow. These things are very persistent and you must match their tenacity with your own force of will and faith in God. You can also try burning sage (most local groceries will have it as a food seasoning.) in your home. The smell is hated by darkness and will help you get some spiritual relief. Please read the
prayer page for more guidance.How to avoid it: The only way to avoid this phenomena is to build up your spiritual guard and to have absolute faith in God.Back to topUnexplainable feeling of dread An unexplainable feeling of dread is a very similar phenomenon to the heavy feeling on the shoulders or chest described above. This feeling is easily distinguished as you will feel terribly depressed or very down despite the fact that your state of mind may be a happy one (you'll wonder why you feel so awful all of a sudden). It will feel as if this sensation is being pressed
down onto you. Normally, when you feel depressed, you feel it in your entire being. In these cases, you will feel it only in your chest or on your shoulders. It will be very distinct and quite sudden. What to do: See "What to do" on Awful heavy feeling on your shoulders or in your chest.How to avoid it:
The only way to avoid this phenomena is to build up your spiritual guard and to have absolute faith in God.Back to topBeing touched by unseen forces or persons
Physical contact between persons or things from the other side is generally rare, but it does happen and it is a bit unnerving. Why this is even possible is beyond me. In general, it is usually a mischievous spirit or entity that is simply trying to get your attention. There are very rare cases where people are violently assaulted and bear scars and bruises from the interaction. In these cases, the entity is more than some bored and mischievous spirit. What to do: Your best bet is
to pray for the entity to be removed from your home or your presence. In some cases you can simply ask it or tell it to leave and it will. Just like a child who plays pranks on you to get your attention, the less attention you give to this kind of phenomena, the more likely it will stop. Also, try to control your fear. The more afraid you are, the more reason it has to stick around. If the contact is violent, you are advised to pray diligently and often. Please read the prayer page for more detailed advice.How to avoid it: There isn't much you can do to avoid this phenomena. Your best bet is to deal with it courageously if you ever come across it. Most cases are harmless and pass within a few days.
Back to topSeeing people or things you know cannot possibly be there If you are seeing people, you may just be seeing ghosts or what are considered to be "environmental recordings". These are recordings of past events into the surrounding structures (house, forest, furniture). It is theorized that since all living things have a faint electromagnetic field around them (more popularly known as
an aura), that this energy can be recorded into surroundings also made of once living things (wood, etc). So intense emotions or events that happened frequently (like walking up or down stairs) might be recorded into the environment. Video and audio cassette tapes are recorded using the exact same principles. Sensitive people in turn may be able to "play back" these recordings in the environment like a cassette player would by picking up the embedded electromagnetic information with
heightened senses. These "recordings" are often reported as being repetitive and never interact with people. Some are sometimes seen climbing a set of stairs that is no longer a part of the house, but once was. If you are seeing something like this, you have nothing to fear. It is the supernatural equivalent of a hologram. If however you are seeing persons who seem to be interacting with you (like looking directly at you or trying to talk to you), you are seeing a ghost. Ghosts come in
as many varieties as people do. Nice, mean, shy, malicious, caring, you name it. Ghosts are earthbound for any number of reasons and their interactions with you can be just as mysterious. As long as the ghost is doing you no harm, except for being afraid, you'll be fine. However, if you are seeing things that are not people, you have a pretty serious situation, unless of course you see an angel (which is less common than seeing a minion of darkness, but is infinitely more pleasant). Angels
can appear as brilliant flashes of white light that somehow display the entire spectrum of color at the same time. This phenomenon is accompanied by an overwhelming feeling of joy that permeates your entire being and even radiates around you. It is actually very similar to the feeling of falling truly, madly, and deeply in love with someone who shares your sentiment, except of course that it comes out of nowhere. Angels can also come to you in human form. How will you know it's an angel?
You'll know, but probably not until after the "event". What to do: If what you are seeing is a recording (you see the same thing all the time and it doesn't seem to be aware of you), do nothing. Just try to keep your nerves calm. If you are seeing a ghost who seems to be aware of you, but isn't really interacting with you, you can do nothing or you can ask it to leave. It may or it may not. You can bring God into the matter through prayer at your discretion. If you are seeing a
ghost or something else that is causing you harm, you should definitely involve God and pray
for his protection out loud as often as you can. Hold your spiritual ground and be brave. If you exhibit too much fear, it will be used against you. In very extreme cases, you may actually have to physically fight these things. I have never actually had this terrible experience, but I've heard of it. I would advise burning sage (most local groceries will have it as a food seasoning) in the house and praying relentlessly. If you are Christian, call on Jesus Christ. His name spoken out loud is effective in a way that is beyond description. If you are not a Christian, simply ask God to send his light down to your aid. If you are dealing with this level of malice, there is no doubt your prayers will be sincere and will be heard. Please read the
prayer page for more guidance. If you see an angel or other being of light, do nothing. Enjoy the experience.How to avoid it: Unfortunately, if you can see these things, that is an ability you cannot avoid. If it is a harmless recording or ghost you can just ignore it. If it is something malicious, ignoring
what you see or rationalizing it even though you are sure of what you saw will do more harm than good. Acting like it is not there will not make it go away. You have to banish these things with prayer and spiritual strength so that there will be nothing to see.Back to topHearing voices or sounds in your head Hearing sounds or voices in your head is a pretty serious problem. It is often accompanied by a heavy or "strange" feeling throughout your body. If you hear voices or laughter while being paralyzed in your bed click here
. If you hear voices inside your head during waking hours please follow the advice given below.What to do:
often and incessantly. Pray out loud and ask God to banish the entity from your body and mind. Do your best to block out the voices. Do not respond to them or even acknowledge them except to tell them to get out. Keep your sanity as best you can. The purpose of these things is to make you lose your mind so that they can take over. Fight for control of your thoughts. Persevere and pray often. Do not give up your faith in God to help you. Persistence is key. You may not win right away, but if your will and your faith are strong you will be able to banish the dark entity and it's voices.
How to avoid it: The only way to avoid this phenomena is to build up your spiritual guard and to have absolute faith in God.Back to topGood luck and God bless. |