There is no "easy cure" for ridding yourself of dark forces. It cannot be done in one shot by someone of experience or
banished or exorcised in a few hours like in the movies. It takes days, maybe months or even years (very rare) of constant resistance and faith in God. That may not sound very reassuring if you've already lost many nights of sleep and wait till morning "when its safe", but there is an upside: Once you've defeated a servant of darkness through faith and prayer, it gets easier for your faith has become stronger and so have your spiritual defenses. It is very much like physically fighting in
real life with another human being. After a few wins, your abilities and experience increase as well as your faith in your own abilities. This makes you a harder target for the next few opponents and eventually, thugs and bullies will pass you over as you will present too much of a challenge. Also your lack of fear due to experience will be very apparent.These same principles apply to your spiritual warfare and your faith and prayers to God. The more faith you have, the more easily these
things can be defeated. And the more you win over them, the less fear you'll have and the stronger your faith will be. This in turn will give you an aura of spiritual strength that many minions of darkness will not want to mess with. Who wants to mess with an experienced fighter who shows no fear? Not many creatures of this world and not many creatures of the other world.
If you are reading this, chances are you've already got a fight on your hands. Unlike many fights in the mortal
world, you cannot run away from a spiritual battle. You either fight it and win or you simply cower in fear and lose. It will not go away if you ignore it. Faith and prayer are your best and most powerful weapons. Develop them and learn to use them.
For those of you who have never really prayed and are a bit unfamiliar with it because it was never really taught in the house or by family, but are willing to try it, I'll run through some basic technique:
Generally, prayer is done while
kneeling on both knees. Hands clasped together and held in front of the face or chest. Then you speak to God either in your mind or with actual words. Say anything you like. Ask him for protection from whatever is bothering you. Ask him to look over loved ones. Ask him to help you deal with pressure from work. Ask him anything. As long as you are speaking to God, that is all that really matters.
Many people like to kneel in front of alters they have made of their dressers or shelves adorned
with religious symbols (like a Crucifix or a Buddha). This is not necessary, but it can help you focus your prayer as opposed to speaking into thin air.
Another benefit to praying is that if you do it on a regular basis, it can help you keep perspective on your life. You really only speak to God about things that are important to your life and praying helps you keep your priorities straight. If you pray for a child to do well in school or for a loved one to be safe, it reminds you that
those are the important things in your life in addition to inviting God to help you.
Not everyone is comfortable praying on their knees. Some like to lay in bed and pray. That works too. As long as you clear your mind to have a conversation with God, any technique you are comfortable with will work.
Now, if you've got something nasty bothering you, during prayer, you should ask God to fill you with his light. To fill your home (or current surroundings) with his light. That it envelop you
and protect you. As you ask for this, envision a beam of pure white light coming down from the heavens and filling your entire being as well as flooding your home. If you are sensitive enough to actually feel a dark presence, you may be able to feel your own prayer (I do). Don't be afraid. It feels very pleasant. Do this as often as you need to to feel safe. At least once before you go to sleep (when you become most vulnerable) is highly recommended. It doesn't have to be a long prayer, but
it does have to be sincere. Also, prayers that are spoken out loud have more power than those that are done in your mind. Words are very powerful and if you've got something nasty, make sure your prayers are heard.
If you are Christian, there are many prayers and psalms to help you deal with the creatures of darkness. A surefire tactic is to demand they leave you in the name of Jesus Christ. This may not work on human spirits (ghosts) as they might be Christians too, but it is very
effective for demons and evil spirits. The trick is to call on Jesus Christ with as much faith in him as you can muster. This may be difficult if you are not a Christian, but if your problem is really bad and you are desperate, try it and you may be surprised that he will save you anyway (I was and I was the furthest thing from being Christian). If you are of another faith, you will have to do your own research to find a clear path to God as there are many established ways to defeat evil. But
simply asking for God's light will work. In fact it is very effective.
Personally, I use psalm 23:4 from the Bible. Since it makes no mention of specific names, it may be used universally by all faiths (in my opinion), even though technically, it is a Christian prayer:
Though I walk through the shadow of the valley of death
I will fear no evil
For thou art with me
Thy rod and thy staff, they comfort me.
In addition to prayer, you may want to try burning sage in the
house. The smell is hated by darkness and it often makes your fight an easier one. If you are dealing with something minor, the smell alone might rid you of it. Sage can usually be found at your local grocery store as a food seasoning. If you can, try to buy sage that is in dried leaf form. If not, you can buy the powdered form.
Burn the sage in a ceramic bowl or something else that can withstand the fire. If you have powdered sage, make a small container out of a small sheet of paper and
fill it with the powdered sage. Place the paper container in a ceramic bowl and burn the paper. The sage will smoke in both cases. Put the bowl in different rooms to saturate your home with the smell.
I know that these tips will help you in your battle against the forces of darkness. Be sincere in your prayers, be brave in your spirit, and have faith that if you choose to fight, you will not fight alone if you call upon the grace of God. Prayer alone however may not be enough. You may have
to fight yourself as well. For tips on how to do this, please click